Men’s Hair Care tips


Every day we lose an average of between 50 and 100 hairs. When this amount increases and we see ourselves with receding lines or bald spots, it is logical that we start to worry. Men with more reason because the problems of alopecia, according to statistics, affect 50% of the male population. Most cases of hair loss in men are due to genetic factors, but in other cases, it can be avoided by incorporating some simple male hair care habits, such as eating foods for hair loss. Since prevention is better than cure, in all cases, we bring you some tricks to take care of your hair. Hair tips you won’t want to give up!

1. Men and women have differences in hair care tips, which ones?

Although men’s hair is less subject to treatments such as dyes, highlights, straighteners, etc., it also needs specific care because it is different from women’s hair. Didn’t you know? It is all due to a genetic issue since testosterone levels are different in men and women and this influences the distribution and growth of hair. Additionally, men’s hair is usually thicker and generally has less resistance and elasticity than women’s. It is important to be clear about these differences: when caring for hair, men and women may need different techniques, although the advice we are going to give you will also help in the case of women.

With the change of season from summer to autumn, we may also notice more frequent hair loss. This loss does not have to be worrying since it is due to a change in the hair cycle but… what if after falling out we see that the hair does not grow? That’s when all the alarms go off. That is why we insist on the convenience of these hair care tips. If you follow these tips, you will save yourself a lot of worry. Let’s start!

2. Tips for hair care for men

Throughout the post, we are going to give you guidelines to take care of your hair if you are a man. As we have told you before, women’s and men’s hair, due to their types and the products that each of us usually use, will need specific care.

2.1. Cut your hair to have healthy hair

Something that may seem strange or counterproductive if you want long hair is cutting your hair with a certain frequency. That is, simply avoiding hair health problems and cutting the ends a little will be more than enough.

If you are very flirtatious, it is clear that the first thing is to choose the hairstyle that best suits you, but if you don’t care about your look, think about those hairstyles that are easier to wear and control, that way you will be able to take care of your hair more easily.

2.2. A good brush is key

Normally, almost all men go to the hairdresser to cut their hair and have it well cared for. However, that does not mean that we cannot, or rather, should not take care of our hair in our homes. The first thing is to choose brushes that do not harm the scalp, that comb, but that do not drag us causing damage. But you should also choose a good dryer that does not burn your hair and if you have long hair, you may need to look at a straightener that costs a little more money and that does not damage your hair. Hair clippers can also be harmful if you choose one that is low-end, think that it is a product for your hair health and that they last a long time.

2.3. Man hair care monitoring temperatures

The first thing you have to keep in mind is that you should treat your hair the same way you take care of your skin. That is why excess temperatures must be avoided. It is not advisable to wash your hair with very hot or very cold water. It is best to use warm water. Avoiding these heat sources is one of the keys to how to take care of your hair in summer.

When drying it, you can use a hairdryer at a medium temperature without bringing it too close so as not to damage it. It is important to dry it from top to bottom and finish drying with cold air. Another note is to consider drying your hair at room temperature, but you must take the climate into account, since in very cold or very hot climates, you could suffer hair health problems. In these cases, dry yourself with a towel first. It is perhaps the simplest of the tips on how to care for men’s hair, but it is only the first. Keep reading!

2.4. When to wash your hair and how to do it, among the essential hair tips

How often should you wash your hair? It is the eternal question. Experts say that there is only one rule to follow in this regard: “Wash your hair when it is dirty.” It doesn’t matter if it’s every day or every two or three days. Washing is more important than it seems.

You should gently massage the scalp, without rubbing excessively, and wash twice to ensure that all dirt is removed. Of course, it is essential to use the appropriate shampoo according to your hair type… and to find out, we suggest that you continue reading our hair care guide.

2.5. How to care for men’s hair by choosing the right shampoo

Among the multitude of shampoos on the market, we must choose the one that best suits our men’s hair: if it is dry, a moisturizing shampoo is ideal; if it is oily, a regulating shampoo; if you have dandruff, an anti-dandruff shampoo, etc. It is advisable to go to a specialist to advise us on what type of shampoo we will need based on our needs.

If you have long hair, the mask is advisable once a week and the conditioner can be used but always apply it to the ends, not from the roots.

2.6. Other tricks for men’s hair care: Keep an eye on environmental factors!

Environmental factors also affect hair loss or weaken it more easily: pollution, tobacco, stuffy environments or stress negatively influence the health of our hair. Therefore, it is advisable to sign up for a “healthy life”, detoxify yourself by doing sports, and free yourself from everything that causes tension. This is one of the hair tips that your entire body will appreciate.

2.7. Nutrition is very important to have healthy hair

It is nothing new to say that nourishing yourself from within is essential to maintaining healthy hair. A balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables will provide us with the vitamins and proteins necessary to prevent hair loss. They are essential: copper, selenium, biotin, zinc and iron. Where are they located? In whole grains, yeast, legumes, meat, fish and eggs.

But we must also not forget vitamins A and C (present in carrots and kiwi, respectively), vitamin B6 (pistachios, liver, bananas), vitamin D (milk and oily fish), and vitamin E (walnuts or broccoli).

2.8. What if it’s too late for hair care?

As we have mentioned, stress and some environmental factors influence hair loss, but we must not forget that genetic predisposition is the main cause of the dreaded alopecia. In these cases, there are also treatments in hair implant clinics that can solve this aesthetic problem that becomes a headache for many men.


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