10 Daily Habits To Keep Hair Healthy


Keeping hair healthy can be very difficult or very easyIt all depends on the effort you put into it. Every day we see places and also palazzos. Some do not put much interest in the hair and then we see real wonders that leave us with our mouths open.

In today’s post, beyond advising you on expensive treatments, we want to let you know 10 habits, that is, small actions that we must perform in our daily routine so that our hair is healthy.

Do you want to know how to have healthy, strong, and shiny hair without great effort? Although there is a lot we can do, today we show you those small details that you can do day by day, nothing exceptional.

1. Don’t touch your hair

If you want to know how to take care of your hair… start by stopping touching it continuously! In addition to creating a mania that is difficult to get rid of, touching your hair only brings bad things to it. You fill it with grease and dirt, mess it up, and irritate the scalp. What need is there for that? We’re already doing a lot with the heating devices!

2. Comb your hair even if you don’t leave the house

Brushing and detangling every day has many benefits.

  • You avoid tangles that make it difficult to comb your hair and cause you to pull and break the fibers when you have to untangle.

  • You also help the hairs in the falling phase to be removed, so that they begin their growth phase sooner. Thus, you will have abundant, healthy, and long hair.

  • With brushing you are also stimulating circulation, which favors the oxygenation of the cells and, with it, the good condition of the scalp, follicles, and hair.

  • Brushing also helps exfoliate the hair, moving dirt and other debris.

  • Do it at night to have it completely untangled so that you don’t mess it up anymore in bed.

  • Before washing your hair, it will be ideal to detangle it so that subsequent styling is much easier (wet hair breaks more easily, so the less we use the comb, the better).

3. Monitor the water temperature

What a surprise! Right? Hahaha. Yes, we know that you are aware that by giving the last rinse with cold water we close the hair cuticle (which prevents negative external agents from penetrating) and improve circulation, favoring, as we have already seen, cellular oxygenation.

However… at what temperature should we put the water DURING washing? This information already escapes us and, curiously, it is, at least, as important as how to rinse. Very cold water will not be able to break down the grease in the hair so, no matter how much we rub, it will never be completely clean, in addition to having to be aggressive with it to achieve it. On the other hand, hot water will damage your hair. Ideally, it should simply be lukewarm.

4. Never rub your hair

We tend to wash our hair by rubbing it everywhere, thinking that the idea is that the more we spread the shampoo and the more vigorously we apply it, the more and better it will clean. We also rub it when drying it with the towel because it is faster to do it this way. But oh! that mistake! We must follow the direction of the hair structure, which goes from roots to ends, every time we work our hair or, at the very least, not go against it. Thus, when washing we should distribute the shampoo in our hands and massage it in circles with the tips of our fingers, from the scalp downwards. With the towel, the ideal is to leave it on for a while and dry it in the open air or, if you are in a hurry, gently touch it with it so that it absorbs.

5. Choose the right comb

The hair is first detangled with a comb, and then brushed, once detangled, with a brush. The comb, of course, is important, since it is the one that will deal with knots, wet or dirty hair, etc.

The wide prong detangles more easily, as it allows you to create logical hair separations. If they are too close together you will pull and break your hair. Also, if you have the choice, and especially if you have frizz, opt for one made of wood, which, unlike plastic, does not favor the creation of static electricity.

6. Follow a hygiene and hair care routine

Take time to inform yourself about the products you need depending on your hair.

Do you smooth it daily? Use ICON’s BK Antifrizz line, which closes hair pores to prevent frizz and facilitate straightening to spend less time with the straightener or dryer.

Do you wear dye? ICON’s Cure line is the best in this case, as it all includes an ideal repair treatment to strengthen hair and make it shiny.

Is your hair weak and falls out easily? Take advantage of the use of hygiene and hair care products that also help to achieve more hair and make it more resistant and prevent hair loss. A reference line is that of ICON Mr. A.

And so with everything. There are as many hairs as there are people and, therefore, you must choose the products that best treat your hair to be able to say that you have great hair, like the one we leave you in our salon.

When you know what products to use, also determine how often you use them. And, now, follow the established routine to have clean and treated hair and, at the same time, maintain the protective layer of our scalp, always in the middle.

7. How to apply the mask

We know that you don’t use it every day but, precisely for this reason, when you do, do it well. The mask is applied once the hair is washed and rinsed, moistened (that is, we must dry it a little, which we do not usually do). Read carefully how to use yours and follow the instructions to the letter, impregnating all your hair from roots to ends (or from mid-lengths to ends if you have oily hair), leaving it to act, in fact, longer than recommended. During those minutes, you should wrap your hair in a hot towel or plastic wrap to keep it warm and for the product to work in the best way.

And if you don’t have that time, hopefully, you do and you can enjoy it relaxing, ICON has designed a super effective treatment that works in just 60 seconds, amazing! It is an ICON Transformational Infusion and consists of a hydration shot that improves the general health of the hair immediately, keeping it in good condition, enriching its core, repairing it, and giving it shine. You will see the appearance of your hair improve immediately!

8. Use professional heating devices

Of course, the investment is greater, but you will quickly realize that the effect on the hair is different. You can do your styling much faster, with fewer passes, which means you don’t give your hair as much trouble. At the same time, these small appliances usually include more regulation options as well as other functions that facilitate styling, try to prevent frizz add shine, etc.

9. Use an oil daily

We know that oil makes hair dirty, yes, but if you find the right one, you really won’t be able to say this so strongly and you don’t have to smear it. ICON oils, both India Oil and India Dry Oil, do not greasy, weigh down, or add weight, in addition to not being completely oily.

You can choose between one or the other depending on your needs, but never leave your hair unprotected. The oil is an elixir that, in addition to nourishing, repairing, and so on, serves as a protector by creating a thin film on your hair. It is also ideal to use before applying heat. It is a simple and pleasant way to help a little to have healthy hair ends, covering them with your favorite oil and giving them extra nourishment and protection.

By the way, if you are interested in the topic of care for split ends, enjoy THIS READING; We tell you why they appear and, of course, how to treat them and combat the vulnerability they represent.

10. Take marine proteins

Sea proteins are very effective in giving volume and reducing hair loss. You can eat fish and other animals rich in them, but if you don’t want to do so, know that there are also algae with a huge proportion of high-quality proteins that you can take in your meals or as supplements.

By following these simple tips, which you should internalize until they become habits that you apply in your daily life, you will be able to keep your hair healthy. Don’t hesitate and take advantage of these tips because they are all you need to look great.


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